Access to quality drinking water is essential to a healthy life. Understanding different elements, such as pH levels, can help you make the best decisions about the water you consume. 

In chemistry, pH is short for the power of hydrogen or potential hydrogen in a solution. The pH level is the measure of a substance’s basic or acidic content. Over the past few years, speculation has been circulating about the role of pH and what level our drinking water should be to optimize its health benefits. 

Here is what you need to know about pH balance and the perfect pH for drinking water. 

What Is pH Balance?

The pH scale spans from zero to 14. The lower the number, the more acidic a substance is and the higher its hydrogen ion concentration. Higher pH levels indicate that a substance has a lower hydrogen ion concentration and is more alkaline. pH balance describes where a substance lands on this scale. 

The pH of the foods you eat and drinks you consume can directly impact your body’s pH balance. In general, people must eat a diet that is largely neutral to maintain homeostasis and optimize their health. Consuming too many acidic or alkaline foods can have negative impacts on the body. 

pH Balance and the Body

The pH level of the food and drinks you consume affects your body’s function. Maintaining a state of homeostasis and pH balance is key to optimizing many of our body’s processes, including the following:

  • Digestion
  • Hormones
  • Metabolism

Various factors impact the pH balance in the body, including diets, the environment, exercise and even how you breathe. Most people eat a medley of alkaline and acidic foods in their daily diets. The following are some popular food and drink items that have low pH levels, or higher acidity:

  • Chocolate
  • Coffee
  • Sugar 
  • Cheese

Common alkaline food and drink items with higher pH levels include:

  • Almonds
  • Green tea
  • Maple syrup
  • Olive oil
  • Spinach

What Is the pH Level of Water?

Pure water has a neutral pH level of seven, which is the center of the pH scale. Depending on various factors, however, water can span more widely on the pH scale. The following are elements commonly found in a water supply that directly alter water’s pH and create imbalances:

  • Soil
  • Bedrock composition
  • Minerals
  • Chemicals
  • Pollutants
  • Contaminants

The pH balance of tap water tends to vary slightly because of the mineral content from common additives like magnesium and calcium. The most common minerals found in tap water often cause the water to become more alkaline and have a higher number on the scale. 

Water suppliers also often alter the pH of the water to minimize corrosion throughout their distribution systems because higher acidity, which means lower pH levels, can damage the metal components found in most plumbing networks. Lower pH levels can cause rust to develop and leach metals from your home’s well or pipes. In general, tap water may not have the best pH level for consumption. 

Water pH levels are also closely linked with water hardness. If your home has hard water, this typically means it has a high mineral content and a higher pH level, while naturally soft water has a lower pH and a lower mineral content. 

Ultimately, environmental factors and filtration will have the greatest influence on the pH of your drinking water. 

What Is Alkaline Water?

Alkaline water has a higher pH than standard water, meaning it is slightly basic. It has a pH level of around eight or even nine, making it similar to that of baking soda or blood. 

Alkaline water has gotten a lot of buzz over the last few years for its potential health benefits. Today, you can find alkaline water available in many grocery stores, and it is often marketed as a healthy product. While there are many claims about its positive impact on our bodies, most of the rumors about alkaline water have yet to be verified by science, and the bodily advantages of consuming basic water are largely unknown.

There are a few ways you can make water more alkaline. One method is electrolysis, where a device splits the acid and basic components in the water using an electric current. Another way to increase the alkalinity of water is to add minerals, such as the following:

  • Sodium
  • Calcium
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium

Adding a small amount of baking soda to a glass of water is an additional way to make it more alkaline. You can also find specialized pH drops designed to raise your water’s pH level.

What Is the Best pH Level for Drinking Water?

The ideal pH for drinking water ranges between 6.5 and 8.5. This is close to a neutral pH level and is generally considered the safest for consumption. 

However, good water pH is not the most important factor when it comes to health and safety. The possibility of contaminants in your water should be higher on your priority list. You can improve the quality of your drinking water with an effective in-home filtration system. 

Managing the Quality of Your Drinking Water

A whole-house water filtration system is a great way to manage the quality of your drinking water. You can find solutions to filter your well or municipal water, depending on your home’s unique supply lines. 

The right system can help minimize the presence of contaminants*, such as the following:

  • Arsenic
  • Chlorine
  • Iron
  • Sulfur

From taking showers to cooking meals, having higher-quality water in your home is a great way to support a safer and healthier household. Filtration systems help reduce sediment in your water supply for cleaner, clearer water that also tastes better. They are also beneficial for preventing corrosion and rust in your home.

You can find water filter systems for your home from Culligan Water with convenient smart features that automatically indicate when your system requires service.

*Contaminants may not be in your water.

Schedule Your Free Water Consultation From Culligan Water Today

If you want to improve the water quality in your home, turn to Culligan Water. We have a wide range of top-quality water treatment products at affordable prices. With over 80 years of expertise and knowledge, we understand the ins and outs of solving your water problems. 

Our highly trained water treatment technicians will perform a free in-home water analysis and estimate. You can choose from our wide selection of water softening and filtration systems. We make getting the system you need easy with rentals and financing available. 

Are you ready to get started? Browse whole home water filtration systems or schedule your free water consultation from Culligan Water today.