Why Do We Add Salt to Water Softeners?

Table of Contents What Does the Salt Do in a Water Softener?How Does the Ion Exchange Process Work?What Happens to the Sodium Ions?When Should You Add Salt to Your Softener?What Kind of Salt Should I Add to My Softener? You know you need to add salt to your water...

Reverse Osmosis Water Versus Distilled Drinking Water

Are you in the market for a water purification system for your home or office to ensure your family or employees can access cleaner water? In the process, you may have realized there are two primary purification systems to choose from, and you must decide which is the...

Best pH Level for Drinking Water

  Access to quality drinking water is essential to a healthy life. Understanding different elements, such as pH levels, can help you make the best decisions about the water you consume.  In chemistry, pH is short for the power of hydrogen or potential...

Water Softening vs. Water Conditioning

If you’re dealing with hard water, you may have heard of water softeners and water conditioners. But what’s the difference between these two water treatment systems? While they can both be used to treat hard water, they’re ultimately very different...